Wanted - Shotgun Field Director

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Jmonaccio's picture
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 14:41
Wanted - Shotgun Field Director

We're asking for a volunteer to be the Shotgun Field Director. The club would like to begin planning, tracking and implementing improvements to the houses, field, and supporting systems, ensure we meet ATA requirements, and plan for machine maintenance and calibration. We expect a solution to guest access so we'd like to open the fields for local guests and again host matches. 

Oversight will take a dedicated Field Director to work with the Board for funding and coordinate written requests through WTBN, Facilities, G7 and the Naval Yard IAW with our MOA and other directives and guidance. You don't need to be writing wizard and you won't go it alone, but it will take time and dedication as we expect the process to be extended and include approvals for self-help, as well as infrastructure repairs and maintenance through facilities branch. Drop us a line at contact@quanticoshootingclub.com to learn more or if you are interested.