One goal of the Quantico Shooting Club is to promote the safe and responsible handling of firearms, therefore, safety isn't just a priority, it's a routine. The QSC, through our Chief Range Safety Officer, and our Officer in Charge (OIC) and Range Safety Officer (RSO) programs, have an aggressive safety program designed to educate our membership and train qualified RSOs to oversee range activities.
The QSC adheres to all Department of Defense (DoD) and Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ) safety mandates to provide a safe experience for all. While the QSC follows all MCBQ safety protocols, such as having 2 - 3 RSOs on every open range and an EMT on standby at the QSC Office, safety remains an individual responsibility; every person on the range can and should remain vigilant and act / report any concern. The QSC, through our Board of Directors, our RSOs and our members, remain committed to promoting safe firearms handling, range operations, and storage practices with the ultimate goal of supporting good sportsmanship through safety.
Four Basic Safety Rules and Advisories:
- Rule 1 - Treat every weapon as if it were loaded
- Rule 2 - Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot
- Rule 3 - Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire
- Rule 4 - Keep the weapon on safe until you intend to fire, also
- Do NOT enter any range until an RSO is present - Range gates may be unlocked but that does NOT mean their is not a conflict affecting range safety - Always wait for your RSOs!
- Follow the pre-shooting safety brief and course of fire instructions of the RSO & OIC
- Keep weapons cased to and from the firing line
- Only uncase when the RSO allows
- Remember good weapons safety principles apply at all times, even at home
- You can find all the Range Standard Operating Procedures in the Club Documents section here
- If you have any questions, suggestions, or a concern with range safety, please send a note to us at
- If you have an immediate concern while using the ranges, contact the range's RSO or OIC, or any of the Board of Directors
Personal Protective Equipment:
- The DoD now mandates dual hearing protection for all people on ranges
- Eye protection will be worn by all persons on a range
A Short Video on Basic Range Safety that was created by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. While our Ranges are Outdoors, these Rules are Universal: