QSC is accepting military and civilian applications for new memberships
We're an all volunteer club only open weekends - Please be patient while we address your application or renewal
Thank you for your interest in the Quantico Shooting Club, home to the best outdoor ranges in and around Northern Virginia! Please review this page for membership, base access and transporting firearms information. "Monica," our digital assistant, briefly explains the important aspects of the application process and processing a membership, as well as hints, tips and advice once you become a member of the QSC in these short videos; more detailed information follows the videos as text on this page.
Membership: The process is governed by our operating agreements with the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ). To be a member, you must be:
- A U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident and,
- Over the age of 18
There is a three-step process for New Members and Renewal* applications. Forms are fillable PDFs, best function when downloaded, then complete, electronically sign and email back to the QSC. Once we process your application, we will send you an electronic invoice using "Square," our payment provider. We expect immediate payment, please check your Spam folder if not received. If timely payment is not received, we shred your application.
- Step 1 - All applicants download and complete the "Single Page Application" here
- Step 2 – Download and complete only one of the Waiver Packages based upon your membership category
- "Regular Members" download and complete Waiver Package 1 here. Regular Members are Active Duty (including Coast Guardsmen), Active Reservists, Retired Military as well as Active and Retired DoD Civilians (with SF-50 as proof). National Guardsmen must be on extended orders. Unfortunately, per MCBQ agreements, Veterans are not considered Regular Members
- "Associate Member" applicants download and complete Waiver Package 2 here. Associate Members are those not meeting Regular Member criteria, i.,e., candidates with no military or DoD affiliation
- The QSC sponsors Associate Members for Base Access using the DBIDS process. Refer to the DBIDS section that follows for details
- Veterans, even if medically discharged, are not considered Regular Members unless their issued ID reflects medically retired as a status
- Federal civilian employees (even if attached to a DoD component), and per MCBQ provisions, are not considered as Regular Members
- DoD Contractors are not considered Regular Members
- Step 3 - Complete the Single Page application and appropriate Waiver Package by initialing and signing all required sections (wet or digitally). Email (preferred method) the Single Page Application and Waiver Package to the QSC along with a with a copy of your ID**. Email your package to us at staff_mailbox@quanticoshootingclub.com. We will invoice you using our digitial payment provider, "Square." Look for the email invoice the next business day we are open and check your spam folder if necessary. If you must, mail your package it to the address below. Electronic payment is preferred, but if you must write a check, make it payable to "QSC." We will process your application the next weekend day we're open and we will mail your club credential once payment is rendered
Quantico Shooting Club
524 Garrisonville Rd.
POB 212
Garrisonville, VA 22134
* Per our agreements with Marine Corps Base Quantico (MCBQ), they require up-to-date, signed, waivers annually. We've found it best to simply require members complete the application process each year to meet MCBQ mandates.
** By regulation, you can copy a government ID, just not at the exact size of the ID, e.g., copy / scan the ID to a smaller or larger scale, place a line across the card or cover the bar code with your thumb, etc. You can email that copy to us for verification and we will destroy the email / copy as soon as we complete your application processing. If you're still uncomfortable emailing your ID, you must come into the office to be processed manually. These are MCBQ requirements that QSC must adhere to for continued operations on a military reservation.
Membership prices are here. Memberships are not transferable.
- There are no daily use fees for members
- Guests pay a daily Range Fee of $20, which is credited towards membership dues if purchased the same day
- If you have questions, please email us at staff_mailbox@quanticoshootingclub.com. We are only open weekends so be patient
- We digitize your application and shred any paper copies and / or delete emailed applications. Similarly, IDs are destroyed / deleted once verified
*** Critically Important ***
- You will be entering a Military Base – Rules for Transporting Firearms on MCBQ are here
- NO automatic or binary fire. Form 4 NFA SBRs and Suppressors are allowed
- NO Concealed carry on MCBQ unless you are an active Federal Law Enforcement Officer - Federal rules, not the QSC's
- MCINCR-MCBQ 5501, Control and Use of Privately-Owned Firearms and Other Weapons is here
If you need additional forms:
- A separate Base Access form is here
- A separate Member Liability Waiver is here
- The Authority to Possess Firearms is here and,
- A separate Firearms Acknowledgment is here
Associate Member DBIDS Instructions:
QSC does not control the base access process so, we cannot advise on access requirements. Call the Marine Corps Base Quantico, Visitor Control Center (VCC) at 703-784-3023 for the latest access policies and identification requirements for a DBIDS card. Directions and hours to the VCC are here, and also check their FAQ page that answers many common question here. "Monica," our digital assistant, briefly explains the DBIDS process, which is fully detailed in the text that follows.
DoD base entry policies mandate access only for verified / authorized personnel after the completion of a successful background check using the SECNAV 5512 form. QSC acts as your sponsor so you can obtain a DBIDS base access credential that allows a club member access on weekends. NOTE: If you have credentials allowing you base access, this process is not applicable to you. DoD policy, based on the Real ID Act of 2005, requires a Real ID or multiple forms of IDs to validate / verify identity for the initial, extension and / or renewal of DBIDS credentials.
- You will be denied a DBIDS if you do not have the correct IDs, or the number of IDs required if you do not have a Real ID
- You must go to the VCC for your DBIDS card within 2-weeks of receiving your QSC Membership Card to receive access good for one year. If you do not, you will be required to get a paper pass each day you attempt base entry - not QSC rules, they are MCBQ's
As of February 2024 (again, check with the VCC as these could change):
- DBIDS is mandatory for base access. Associate members will not be able to access the base without a DBIDS card
- Once you become a member of the QSC, your membership card, along with the SECNAV 5512 and your ID's are used for the DBIDS application at the VCC
- DBIDS cards are revalidated annually using the same application and ID verification process as the original application / issuance
- The primary form of identification to obtain a DBIDS card is a Real ID. VCC ID requirements are here.
- If you do not have a Real ID then alternate forms of ID are needed per DoD and Marine Corps Orders. A drivers license and one of the following:
- A VALID U.S. Passport or Passport Card, or
- A Federal PIV Card, or
- A Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) or a,
- Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) or a
- Global Entry Card
- If you have a State Driver's License that is marked Not Valid for Federal Purposes or Federal Limits Apply, or any other limiting language, then 2 additional forms of ID are required:
- Social Security Card
- Original or U.S. certified true copy of your Birth Certificate
- U.S. Certificate of Naturalization
- Non-US Citizens
- Permanent Resident Card
- Department of Homeland Security Employment Authorization Document
- How to Complete the SECNAV Form 5512
- Information for the "Sponsor" section:
- Last Name = Shooting Club
- First Name = Quantico
- Email = staff_mailbox@quanticoshootingclub.com
- Phone = 703-463-8214
- Comments = Quantico Shooting Club, Club Member
- Information for the "Sponsor" section:
- You can also Pre-Enroll by going to this DBIDS site below:
- DBIDS Pre-Enrollemnt
- You may, depending on your browser, get a message indicating the site is not safe. That is a certificate error on the DBIDS folks, not us here at QSC. Hit advanced and proceed to the site
- When completed, print the form, and bring it, along with your QSC Membership Card and all necessary IDs, to the Visitor Control Center, which is off exit 148 of I-95. They will process your form, complete your background check and issue a card while you wait. The average time to complete is about 15 minutes. The VCC (a semi-permanent set of trailers) is located at:
Visitor Control Center
27031X Telegraph Rd
Stafford Courthouse, VA 22556
- VCC hours are here.
Guests of Members:
Guests are non-members who are accompanying a current Club Member to either observe the ranges and operations, or to participate in events. Guests must arrive at the VCC or Gate along with their member / sponsor.
Per the updated 2024 guidance reference trusted traveler and escorting from the PMO, on Saturdays Guests will be required to obtain a Guest Pass from the VCC that is only valid at the Russell Road entrance. VCC ID requirements for entry are here. Sunday Guests are subject to the same ID requirements but can be cleared for entry by contacting the Russell Road Marine Guards. The Security Guard will run a computer check of the guest’s identification and if there are no issues, will allow the guest (s) to proceed to the ranges. If there are issues, entrance to the base may be denied. QSC DOES NOT CONTROL ANY PART OF THIS PROCESS.
- Members are allowed three guests per day
- Guests must first complete a Liability Waiver at the Clubhouse (and each time they visit), then
- Pay a daily Range Fee of $20 for each visit
- The guest's Range Fee will be applied to any Membership Dues if the person joins the QSC during their Range Day
- QSC operations will issue a Guest Pass to be shown to the RSO indicating the guest has signed a waiver and paid the fee
- The person can only be a guest of any member twice during a 365-day period
- This restriction does not apply to non-members participating in QSC Matches
Trusted Traveler Program:
QSC Members with DoD CAC or Retiree / Family Member ID Cards can escort guests without the requirement for the guest to show identification at the gate. This policy, unfortunately, does not allow members with DBIDS cards to escort guests. This policy is not controlled by QSC.