Ranges 2 & 3 - 600 Yards

Ranges 2 and 3 are Structured Fire Ranges out to 600 yards with shooting positions in 100 yard increments. Ranges 2 and 3 support teams practicing for Camp Perry, Across the Course, Vintage Sniper and other military rifle rifle events. These ranges are generally not used for recreational or precision fire as using them creates safety conflicts resulting in the closing of ranges 1 and 4. Members and guests are encouraged to read the Range 2 SOP and rules about Transporting Firearms aboard MCBQ. 

  • Range events are advertised on the club's calendar. Certain events my also be announced on the Civilian Marksmanship Program site
  • You must bring your own targets and target stands, hydration, sunscreen, bug spray, ear and eye protection, etc.
    • ​QSC will provide Known Distance target frames and targets for shooters participating in high power events
  • Always check the calendar for last minute range issues before coming to the QSC
  • Muzzle loaders up to .75 caliber may be used
  • Range authorized for calibers up to 50 BMG
  • No shooters on Range 2 can be forward of any R1 target
  • If the ranges are being used for recreational or precision fire, the RSOs will include applicable range notes on the Calendar

Long time member Jim Morgan (sitting) coaching a high power session. Jim passsed in 2025 and his more than 60 years of shooting expertise will be missed. 

A short video on how to "pull pits" for a high power event.