Become a QSC EMT

The QSC has Weekend EMT Shift Openings

Saturday & Sunday – Standby Duty at the Clubhouse / Calvin A. Lloyd Range Complex – 8a.m. to 3p.m.

$175 Day Rate – All Gear/Supplies Provided (EMT Bag, Trauma Bag, Oxygen and AED).- Additional payments are rendered should shifts go past 3p.m.

The Quantico Shooting Club requires an on-site EMT for each weekend shift we operate. This creates opportunities for local EMTs, AEMTs, Paramedics, Corpsmen, Combat Medics, ParaRescue, etc., to earn cash while providing essential services for the club and our members. A single EMT provides coverage for the ranges QSC utilize, while base Fire Department Paramedics are located just .25 miles from the club and ranges.  

Qualification: Any current state certified EMT, AEMT or Paramedic, as well as certified Navy Corpsmen, USAF Pararescue or US Army Combat Medics qualify for the duty. We do require EMTs have about 200hrs working a rescue vehicle to help assure they have sufficient experience to meet the trauma needs we may encounter. Military equivalent EMTs will also be screened to ensure trauma qualifications.  

Duty: Standby duty at the QSC clubhouse – First Responder (BLS, not ALS) to range Incidents until base Paramedics arrive on scene. The QSC office is fully furnished, has Wi-Fi and TV, and EMTs can use the local MCX convenience store about .5 miles from the office. 

Day Rate: Flat Rate of $175 a day or any portion of the day should ranges close early. EMTs are independent contractors and paid the same day duties are performed (using Zelle). Should an EMT work significantly past the normal 3p.m. end-of-shift (for example, to support a QSC Match), an additional $25 payment applies making the day rate $200 and up if events are longer.

Liability Requirement: EMTs must have $1M (total) in professional liability insurance (policy of $500,000/$1,000,000). These policies cost about $175 a year and QSC will reimburse a new EMT the cost of a policy, up to $175 for their first year of EMT services for the QSC. One of the reasonable (less expensive) providers is the CM&F Group, who issue policies for about $175 a year. Go to their website here.

Location: Quantico’s West Side – Building 27261 – The Calvin A. Lloyd Range Complex.

Hours: Saturday and Sunday shifts throughout the Year – 8a.m. to 3p.m.

Internet: Available at the clubhouse. QSC cannot use base fiber so our Starlink speeds are a bit slower, but you will have internet and streaming available.

Contact: Email us at to apply or for more details, mention EMT in the subject line.