March 5, 2025 - Match Updates:
- We have lost several of our Match Directors due to change of station moves
- We have commitments for PRS Rimfire, Steel Challenge and Action Steel
- We are working to bring back USPSA by mid-year
- We have not yet identified Match Directors for PCSL or multi-Gun
- Please contact us at staff_mailbox@quanticoshootingclub if you can assist with matches
March 4, 2025 - Shotgun Update:
The club would like to start a Shogun League - Please send a note to for more details or to express interest.
The QSC Shotgun Sports League is being offered from late April through early September 2025 to help skeet and trap shooting participants improve their concentration and skills through recurring practice and score-keeping. The League is a self-paced, record-keeping recreational shooting activity. It runs over 20 summer weekends during which a League participant shoots 20 rounds of skeet or trap (25 targets to a round) for a total of 500 targets which are scored over the course of the League season. As a self-paced League, the League participant determines the numbers of rounds of shooting done on any one day and which rounds, if any, will be entered into the scoring record. However, the objective is to complete and record scores on 20 rounds (skeet or trap games of 25 targets) during the course of the League season.The League concludes its 20-week shooting season with a special fall “Shootout” offering prizes and an end-of-day cookout.
March 1, 2025 - Shotgun Updates:
The Board of Directors has voted to begin a multi-year program investing in the upgrade of the shotgun facilities.
- The initial focus will be replacement of some of the retention fences between the fields
- We will then begin residing the "house" to remove the old shingles and replace with another material that is easier to maintain
- The repair of the International Bunker is a long-term project as repairs and machine replacement approaches $100,000
March 1, 2025 - Fee Updates:
The Board of Directors, with an effective date of March 1, 2025, has voted:
- To raise the daily Guest fee from $10 to $20
- Increased to Shotgun Game fee from $5 to $6
- Added a $4 charge for an initial or lost Shotgun Ez-Pull card
October 5, 2024:
As a reminder, if ranges are closed or close early, we will wrap up office operations and also close the office early. So, if you stop by (mostly on a Sunday) and the ranges are finished for the day, the office could also be closed.
October 3, 2024 - Treasurer Position Filled:
We'd like to welcome Dr. Ricky Galloway to the Board of Directors as our new Treasurer. Ricky stepped up to volunteer for the position and he brings a wealth of experience to the Club and the Board. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Galloway to his new position.
July 15, 2024 - Member Meeting and BBQ
The semi-annual member meeting will be held Saturday July 27th in the Weapons Training Battalion Classroom (building 27218, across from range 2) from 0800-0900. The intent is an operational update as well as a review of finances against the 2024 budget. We hope to conduct the meeting in about 30 minutes while we then prepare for the member appreciation BBQ later in the morning. Please take the time to attend and participate!
June 24, 2024 - Raven Rocks Precision
Happy to announce Raven Rocks Precision in Fredericksburg is offering a 10% discount for Club Members. Thanks to club member Bill (and Raven Rocks' co-owner) for this generous offer! See details in the forums section.
May 30, 2024 - June Newsletter Posted:
The current QSC Newsletter is posted here.
April 6, 2024 - Thanks to the 20 Member Volunteers who helped Clean the Grounds and Shotgun Houses! We:
- Had an excellent turn out for our Spring Cleaning!
- Were able to clean the inside of every shotgun house of broken clays, as well as clean and lubricate the machines
- Dug a drainage trench for American Trap and filled it with millings to prevent water intrusion
- Raked and de-thatched three of the fields
- Removed years of clay build up in the impact areas
- Cleaned and raked the entire grounds of winter debris
- Started all the machinery and got them out of their winter rest and ready for duty
- Repaired the entry and exit ways to the parking lot with millings
- Patched the cedar shingles on the shotgun houses
- Performed maintenance on the retention fences, and
- Had a great lunch with the crew when it was all over!
April 2, 2024 - Shotgun Fields 1 and 2
- Special thanks to Jamie from the Fairfax Rod & Gun Club for coming out to calibrate our skeet machines
- Jamie is a certified LaPorte technician and was able to diagnose and resolve the issues we were having with clay birds breaking upon launch
- A complicated series of plate and arm tolerances, and micro-switches, required balancing and Jamie was able to get everything in sync
- We're happy to say skeet fields 1 & 2 are fully operational, as is the American Trap field
- We will be working on Wobble Trap to again get it functioning and available
- Unfortunately, it appears the complex computer system for International Trap is malfunctioning
- The computer system appears to have lost its program (EPROM) and will not function reliably
- The fix is complex and at least $5,000 so, the Board needs to discuss the path forward
April 2, 2024 - Shotgun & Grounds Cleanup a GO - BBQ Postponed
- With the Marine Shooting Championships closing ranges for the QSC (except Shotgun), we decided to postpone the Member Appreciation BBQ
- No sense having an event when ranges are not open and members not present
- We will reschedule and advise
- The cleanup of the club grounds and shotgun fields remains a GO
- 0800 on Saturday the 6th we will be cleaning the houses and machines, and the grounds
- Bring a good set of gloves, rakes, shovels and garden tools
- We will be providing lunch for all the volunteers helping clean the grounds and shotgun houses
March 30, 2024 - Shotgun Field Day & Spring Clean up - Volunteers Needed - Member Appreciation BBQ
- The shotgun field day and Spring Grounds Cleanup is scheduled for April 6th
- The intent is to conduct required field cleanup and maintenance
- We will also conduct a spring cleanup of the club grounds
- We will combine the day with a Member Appreciation BBQ
- The intent is to conduct required field cleanup and maintenance
March 30, 2024 - American Trap Re-Opened
- The electrical problem has been resolved, the machines tested and have been placed back in service
March 15, 2024 - Spring Newsletter
- The QSC Spring Newsletter, with a new, user friendly format, can be downloaded here
March 7, 2024 - Shotgun Field Updates
- The installation and calibration of the new Laporte skeet machines is complete for Field 1 and the field is open
- The Field 2 Laporte machines were cleaned and adjusted for the season and are also fully operational
- Unfortunately, the transmission box in American Trap has a faulty bearing so, American Trap is closed for repairs
- We have removed the transmission and are ordering parts for repairs
March 6, 2024 - Shotgun Field Day & Spring Clean up - Volunteers Needed - Member Appreciation BBQ
- The shotgun field day scheduled for March 9th has been rescheduled for April 6th
- The intent is to conduct required field cleanup and maintenance
- We will also conduct a spring cleanup of the club grounds
- We will combine the day with a Member Appreciation BBQ
- The intent is to conduct required field cleanup and maintenance
February 23, 2024 - Clubhouse Activities
- QSC had a dead chestnut oak tree removed that was adjacent the clubhouse
- Five decaying concrete pads on the clubhouse property were broken up and removed
- A new ISO container was placed across from the clubhouse and will be used for ready storage of equipment
February 8, 2024 - Treasurer Opening - Still No Volunteers
- The Board passed a motion to expand the duties of the club's current accountant to include monthly reconciliation of club finances
- This expansion compensates for the lack of a Treasurer while ensuring oversight of revenue and expenditures in a fully transparent manner for members and the IRS
- The change in accountant duties will increase costs to the Club by about $3,000 annually
January 27, 2024 - Annual Meeting - Dues & Fees
- The Board of Directors, per the By Laws and due to the financial health of the Club, determined NO increase in dues was warranted for 2024
- The members present at the meeting agreed to a motion to reduce the Facilities Fee for paid members from $25 to $20
- The members present at the meeting agreed to a motion to apply the one-time Administrative Fee of $20 to all new, paid, applications
- This fee was previously approved for Associate Memberships only and will now be applied to Regular and Associate, paid, memberships to help defray application processing costs
- The new Fee structure will be applied to all new members as of March 1, 2024
January 27, 2024 - Annual Meeting - Elections
- The members present elected:
- Vice President - Steve Austin
- Secretary - Kevin Roth
- Member-at-Large - George Mather
- Treasurer - No nominations or volunteers
January 20, 2024 - Children Shooters - Rimfire Limited
- The Board of Directors approved a motion to limit children shooters, between the ages of 8 - 12, to .22 Rimfire only while on recreational fire ranges
- There were a number of reasons for the decision, all centered on the safety of the child shooter, the range environment, and others using the ranges
- RSOs can make one time exceptions based off assessed competency only
- Match competitors are also held to this rule, but the Match Director can make exceptions based off the competitor's match and shooting experience
January 3, 2024 - Annual Meeting and Elections
- The Annual Member Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 8am in the Weapons Battalion Classroom in building 27218, across from the basketball court by range 2
- We will conduct a Year-in-Review and hold elections for the Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the Member-at-Large positions
- Steve Austin is the current VP and endorsed by the Board to continue in this position. He requires member approval as he did not enter 2023 as the VP
- Kevin Roth is the current Secretary and endorsed by the Board to continue in this position. He requires member approval per the 2022 proposed terms for the Board approved at the 2022 Annual Meeting
- Jay Hart is the current Treasurer and has decided to return to shooting and being an RSO. This position becomes vacant and requires filling
- George Mather is the current Member-at-Large and endorsed by the Board to continue in his position. He requires member approval as he did not enter 2023 as the MAL
- Please make your plans to attend this important meeting
- Nominations for any position can be sent to Skip Booth at
December 15, 2023 - Updated Minimum Distances for Steel Targets
Range Safety Update: Due to changes in SAFETY OF USE MEMORANDUM 15-23; POLICY FOR STEEL REACTIVE TARGETS and the new WTBN Ironman Range SOP dated 12-14-23, the QSC has revised our safety guidance on minimum engagement distances for steel targets. QSC guidance goes above and beyond the SOUM guidance.
Effective immediately
Minimum engagement distances for portable Steel Reactive Targets (SRTs)
- Pistol - 10 yards (No pistol magnum calibers, FN 5.7 or +P ammo on steel)
- Pistol (Braced) / PCC / Rimfire Rifle - 25 yards
- Shotgun (Buck / Bird Shot) - 11 yards
- Shotgun (Slug) - 55 yards
- 5.56mm / .223 Ball - 110 yards
- 7.62mm / .308 Ball - 165 yards
- .300 Win Mag - 410 yards
- No dueling trees, Texas Stars, or other gimmick-like targets
- Steel shooters may be segregated to one side of the firing line or other, and with a minimum lateral distance of 6 feet between steel shooters
Exception: SAT Range Matches (only) allow Pistol and Pistol (Braced) / PCC calibers (9mm, .40 and .45 ACP) and Rimfire Rifle / Pistol (.22LR) at a minimum of 7 yards. Previous Range Control determinations and safety reviews support the logic.
December 1, 2023 - Annual Meeting and Elections
- The Annual Member Meeting and Elections will be held on Saturday, January 27th, 2024 at 8am in the Weapons Battalion Classroom in building 27218, across from the basketball court by range 2
- We will conduct a Year-in-Review and hold elections for the Vice President and Secretary positions
- Please make your plans to attend this important meeting
November 4, 2023 - PRS Rimfire Match Upgrades
- We're happy to announce a significant investment in new rimfire target systems supporting the matches
- The targets should make setup and tear down much faster, while adding consistency to the match course of fire
- Thanks to our member dues for this more than $1,500 enhancement
November 4, 2023 - American Trap Upgrades
- Our project to completely rebuild the American Trap bunker has been completed
- The bunker's termite damage was repaired and the entire structure strengthened
- We added proper stairs and wider doors, as well as re-stained the building
- Lastly, a new EZPull wireless trap system was installed
- Thanks to our member dues for this more than $6,500 repair and upgrade
October 29, 2023 - Upcoming RSO Training
- The next QSC OIC/RSO Training session is scheduled for Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 0800-1000 in the WTBN Classroom.
- The next In-person MCBQ OIC/RSO Training is scheduled for Friday, November 17, 2023 at 0900-1200.
October 5, 2023 - Higher than Usual Range Closings
- QSC is experiencing a reduction in range availability
- Contributing factors include:
- Reserve units scheduling ranges for annual weapons qualifications
- Out-of-Cycle, but required, range maintenance
- Preparing areas for scheduled burns in November
- Marine Corps Marathon support for late October
- QSC is working with Range Control to maximize availability but active duty units are the priority
September 30, 2023 - USG Shutdown - Averted
MCBQ has issued guidelines should the USG shutdown at midnight on Sept 30thRange Control has told all MCBQ Units that all non-essential training will be curtailedThis includes the QSC and our range availabilityWe will work with Range Control daily to assess status and range availability, and post updates as new information is received
September 23 - QSC Member Meeting
- QSC held our 3rd quarter member meeting at the WTBN classroom
- Copies of the slide deck are available in the clubhouse for members
September 1, 2023
- QSC has resolved the MarineNet sponsorship requirement for RSOs
- WTBN will sponsor non-DoD QSC members for MarineNet accounts
- QSC also has special proctor status and can administer end-of-course tests in-person or remotely
August 21, 2023 - Chief RSO Appointment
- Al Jardines, our Vice President and Chief RSO, has decided to step away from the Board of Directors and as Chief RSO
- We appreciate and thank Al for his spirit of volunteerism and work to strengthen the club, our RSO program and range safety
- Accordingly, The Board has appointed Kevin Roth as our Chief RSO
- Kevin has the necessary NRA and MCBQ credentials and we appreciate him volunteering for this position
August 8, 2023 - Wounded Warrior Shotgun Event
- The QSC has teamed with Quantico Injured Military Sportsman Association (QIMSA) to hold a shotgun event for our wounded warriors
- QSC will be opening the skeet and American trap fields Saturday August 12th for the event
- QIMSA will be providing shotguns and ammo. amd hosting a BBQ after the event
- QSC will be providing free memberships to the wounded warriors, as well as mentoring the shooters and providing RSOs
July 28, 2023 - Heat Index Closures
- The QSC operates under the management of MCBQ's Range Control, who operate the 39 ranges and landing zones
- When the heat index is extreme, range control can and will stop training activities across MCBQ, which, in turn closes QSC
- We will proactively close ranges to avoid issues with members driving long distances only to have ranges close shortly after arrival
- We did so for Saturday, July 29th due to the predicted extreme heat of 108 - 112 degrees
June 15, 2023 - Membership Wait List
- With the closing of Elite, QSC has received dozens of "civilian" applications
- Our Agreements with MCBQ require we maintain a ration of active duty to civilian members
- We have reached our maximum for civilian and for the first time in 12 years, instituted a wait list
- The list is cleared on a first come, first served basis
- We apologize for any inconvenience but our USMC Operating Agreements are specific and firm
May 31, 2023 - Match Portal Pages Updated
- Added content pages to align with match offerings
- Added relevant pictures from QSC matches
- Added video content
- Updated narratives and added Practiscore links to each page for consistency
April 28, 2023 - New Dues Structure Announced
- The BoD decided to retain the dues structure in place since 2021. The dues table is published in the Membership Tab
- The BoD added an initiation fee for non-military / DoD Civilians, and
- A facilities surcharge to fund much needed repairs
March 18, 2023 - Reminder on NFA Items & Full-Auto Fire - For Profit Endeavors
- QSC is allowed to host NFA items such as short-barreled rifles and suppressors
- MCBQ does not allow QSC or its members to perform fully automatic fire, or to simulate full auto fire
- MCBQ also prohibits binary triggers and bump stocks
- MCBQ does not allow QSC members to use ranges to support for profit businesses
- Your membership will be permanently vacated if it's discovered you're offering paid instruction and then using USMC ranges for any performance phase
February 25, 2023 - DBIDS Update
- The DBIDS office can now issue 2-year DBIDS card for those Associate Members who choose to obtain a 2-year QSC Membership
- Associate Members still need to have an annual background check, but the process is streamlined and faster
February 5, 2023 - Member Waiting List, DBIDS Base Access Cards & Clubhouse Self-Help
- QSC is approaching our USMC mandated Military to Non-Military (civilian) membership ratio - We may have to institute our Associate Member waiting list
- DBIDS cards are revalidated annually by submitting a newly completed SECVAV 5512 along with a Real ID, or multiple alternate IDs. Contact the VCC before driving to the base to be certain you have all needed documents
- Be Patient! We're in the final stages of hanging drywall in the clubhouse, causing us to frequently move the admin area. The disruption is slowing application processing
February 3, 2023 - Office Disruptions
- We're in the final stages of the clubhouse renovation (drywall and painting), which is causing us to frequently relocate the admin area
- Applications are being received, but processing is slowed as we compensate for the construction
- Please be patient as we upgrade the office to offer even better member services
January 23, 2023 - Advisories
- EzPull shotgun cards are $5 for a new or replacement card
- January 28th begins the newly approved "winter hours"
- The clubhouse operating hours adjust to 8am to 3pm until March 4th
- RSOs have been advised to open ranges no earlier than 8am (preferably 9am) and extend open times longer into the afternoon
- Matches may require earlier hours and will be accommodated accordingly
- The clubhouse will have reduced capabilities the weekend of January 28 as we complete our extensive self-help program
- We have removed the "Club Documents" page until we can add club member password access for these sensitive files
January 21, 2023 - New Life Member
- The Board of Directors unanimously endorsed Skip Booth for a Lifetime membership
- As a long-time QSC member and volunteer, Skip has been a leader across every aspect of the club's endeavors
- Among his many accomplishments, Skip was a long serving member of the Board and has opened more ranges (hundreds) during his tenure than any other club member
- The Board is honored to induct Skip Booth to our life member roles and we look forward to his continued mentorship and friendship
January 21, 2023 - Member Approved Proposals
- The members attending the annual meeting approved the following Board initiatives:
- Infrastructure Surcharge - A temporary $25 membership surcharge to support badly needed facility improvements
- The surcharge will take effect April 1, 2023 and expire no later than March 20, 2024
- The surcharge was approved to prevent a permanent increase in membership prices
- Funds will be used to support continued clubhouse and shotgun facility improvements
- Members who are no-cost (E1s - E4s) or who earn a no-cost membership through their volunteer service, will be exempt from the surcharge
- The membership also recommended cost increases for non-members attending QSC marches
- The Board took the action and will be coordinating with the Match Directors
- The surcharge will take effect April 1, 2023 and expire no later than March 20, 2024
- Extended Board Terms - A 2-year term of office (staggered) for the Club Officers to aid leadership continuity
- The President, Treasurer and Member-at-Large were approved for a 2-year term starting January 21, 2023
- The Vice President and Secretary's positions were approved for two-year terms beginning with the elections in 2024
- The Board of Directors will initiate the required By Law changes and coordination with MCBQ
- Winter Operating Hours - December 1st through February 28th - Due to cold and dark conditions:
- Approved office hour change to 8am to 3pm
- Approved opening ranges at 8am or later
- 2023 winter hours will initiate the weekend of January 28th
- Infrastructure Surcharge - A temporary $25 membership surcharge to support badly needed facility improvements
January 21, 2023 - The 2023 Board of Directors
- Congratulations to the 2023 Board of Directors:
- John Monaccio was re-elected a President
- Al Jardines was re-elected as Vice President
- Kevin Roth was re-elected as Secretary
- Jay Hart was re-elected as Treasurer and,
- Tony Gregg was elected as the Member-at-Large
January 15, 2023 - Annual Elections and Updates
- The annual QSC Member Meeting will be held on January 21st in the Weapons Battalion Training Classroom
- The classroom is building 27218, which is on Garand Road, across from Range 2
- While the Board still has some facilities improvements pending, we hope to focus 2023 on continuity
- The Board will be fully documenting processes and the nuances that have previously been discovery learning
- We hope to have full documentation available so any new Board can easily understand and operate the club to meet MCBQ mandates
November 11, 2022 - Annual Elections
- It's time for the annual election of the Board, which takes place during the January 21, 2023 Member Meeting
- All the Board slots are up for re-election each year: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member-at-Large
- Meeting will be held in the WTBN Classroom, BLDG 27218, Garand Road, Across from Range 2
- Please contact our Elections Director, Skip Booth, if you'd like to nominate a member or run for a Board Position at
November 9, 2022 - MCBQ Holiday Schedule - Range Closures
- MCBQ will be closing all Ranges for the upcoming holidays, as such, the QSC will also be CLOSED:
- 26 - 27 November 2022 - Thanksgiving
- 24 - 25 December 2022 - Christmas and,
- 31 Dec 2022 - 1 Jan 2023 - New Year
November 7, 2022 - Inappropriate Targets
- The Board of Directors reminds members a prime Club edict is to do nothing to harm the reputation of the Club or our USMC / MCBQ hosts
- Accordingly, we support the responsible use of firearms and the safe application of the shooting sports in all instances
- The QSC does not allow use of targets / pictures that could be deemed offensive, for example, pictures of politicians are not appropriate
- We maintain standards and practice good taste, which is in the best interst of our almost 1,000 members
October 29, 2022 - Quarterly Member Meeting
- The QSC held our Quarterly Member Meeting on October 29th in the WTBN classroom
- The Presentation for the meeting has been uploaded to the documents section of the website
August 8, 2022 Update - Ironman Range
- WTBN continues to add distance to the 450yd Ironman range
- Areas have been cut back with steel targets placed out to 700yds on lanes 6 & 7
July 20, 2022 Update - Clubhouse Renovations:
QSC will have reduced walk-in admin capabilities as we make furniture upgrades
QSC leases the clubhouse from the Dept of the Navy and pays $5,000 annually for the facility
The Navy does not reinvest those funds into the QSC
Expenses for repairs, upgrades, etc., have been funded by the QSC
As an example, last year we replaced the single pane windows that had been in use for 60+ years with vinyl, dual pane, gas filled windows at a cost of $4,500. We added a Mitsubishi Mini-Split HVAC system costing $1,700 to resolve endemic heating and cooling issues and spent almost $900 to replace florescent overhead lighting with LED fixtures
We find ourselves in a similar situation this year as the carpeting was a class 87 bio-hazard, the walls haven't been painted in 30+ years and the furnishings are being held together with nails and screws, etc., etc.
The Board agreed to make the clubhouse a capital improvement project for 2022 and we'll begin the process Friday the 22nd by removing all furnishings and placing them in storage
The 25th we'll have the cement pad (floor) ground down, patched and then commercially coated with an epoxy system
We'll be painting the walls first with Kilz to seal and prime, then with a quality paint in a neutral color to replace the baby food green we've enjoyed
New, coordinated and business grade furnishings will be delivered around the middle of August and complete the renovation once installed
We will be softening the "look" in the clubhouse to better mirror the business atmosphere we need for RSO testing, administrative functions, member renewals, etc., but we'll maintain a small sitting area in the front of the office
We will have minimal services during the upgrades and ask members for patience as we act to once again improve the QSC!
Lastly - Thanks to our Match Directors whose work has funded our improvements
July 3, 2022 Update - Why isn't QSC Open Weekdays or Every Weekend? - QSC President Sends:
MCBQ operating agreements with QSC allow us to only use the Calvin A. Lloyd complex on weekends
The Club cannot open ranges if MCBQ Range Control is not open and operating - For example, Range Control closed all 39 base ranges from 2 - 4 July - Unfortunately, the QSC was required to also shut down
QSC is not like a civilian range where we just walk in and begin to shoot, we are required to adhere to a plethora of DoD and MCBQ Range Operating Procedures
MCBQ Range Control manages 52,000 acres and some 39 ranges, many are back-to-back with other ranges or may have an impact zone in an adjacent range
For example, if Range 4 (1,000yds) is shooting .338 Lapua Magnum, the Distance X (longest range of the projectile) is almost 6,600m (3.75 miles). Range control has to clear and maintain ground and air space in adjacent ranges for that total Distance X and any corresponding lateral Surface Danger Zones
That's why some calibers are restricted the day you show up to shoot, or some ranges are not available to QSC for a weekend, e.g., impact area in a range where Land Navigation training or range maintenance, etc., is occurring
QSC does our best to schedule range availability for our 1200+ members and their varied shooting needs, de-conflict calibers, obtain the necessary three RSOs to open each range and ensure a QSC paid EMT is on duty each weekend day we're open
Sometimes it runs smoothly, sometimes it's a Kabuki dance and sometimes a goat rope. Regardless, the process repeats every week beginning Sunday and ending Thursday when Ranges are posted to the Calendar
Our two, yes only two, non-RSO volunteers make all this happen weekly throughout the year. Each has a full-time day job and dedicates some 10 additional hours weekly just to the range scheduling process to make sure we're open at every opportunity
Complaining about a process you haven't taken the time to learn, that's highlighted across the website, and included in the advisories we send, simply adds to the frustration we all feel and doesn't do anything to open a range or resolve an issue - If you feel so strongly, then volunteer your time to be an RSO and assist the process
July 1, 2022 Update, EMTs:
The BoD has voted to increase the EMT daily rate from $125 to $150. This is in response to inflation, gas prices and the cost to attain and retain EMT certs and insurance liability coverage
EMTs are 1099 staff, require insurance liability coverage and are paid the same day they perform duty - No waiting on your cash!
There is more information on our EMT page here.
Send any questions to and place EMT in the subject line please
Any EMT / Corpsman can perform the duties as long as their certs are current and they obtain the required insurance liability policy
The BoD also agreed to reimburse (one time only) EMT insurance costs up to $175 after any EMT/Corpsman completes three daily shifts
Work the shifts you want - Weekends from 8a.m.. to 3p.m. - Standby duty at the Clubhouse with all gear and supplies QSC provided
June 25, 2022 Updates:
QSC is a volunteer operated Club open weekends (check the Calendar). Please be patient as we do not answer phone messages or emails until we return to the office on our next business day
QSC mirrors MCBQ range availability. If USMC units are not training on a weekend day, the Club may not be able to open if Range Control closes
Reminder - Target placement for Recreational Fire ranges will close about 1-hour prior to the posted closing time. Please do not show up at closing and expect to the RSO to accommodate your need
RSO documents have been updated to include newly published MCBQ 3570.1B Range Regulations and Ironman (formerly Range 305) Standard Operating Procedures
The clubhouse remains open on weekends the ranges are open. We do not have any COVID restrictions
Shotgun clay targets have been replenished but pricing was almost $1,000 higher than last year. Accordingly, pricing for a Game will rise from $4 to $5 to cover these higher costs
Two new Laporte 185 8C, 400 clay skeet machines have arrived. We will install them on Field 1 as soon as possible
June 10 , 2022 Updates:
MCBQ updated the minimum distances for engaging "steel reactive targets." Changes from the previous SOPs follow and are in Red Italic Text
Pistol - 10 yards (No pistol magnum calibers, FN 5.7 or +P ammo on steel at this distance)
Pistol (Braced) / PCC / Rimfire Rifle - 25 yards
Shotgun (Buck / Bird Shot) - 11 yards
Shotgun (Slug) - 55 yards
5.56mm / .223 Ball - 110 yards
7.62mm / .308 Ball - 110 yards
300 Win Mag - 320 yards
No dueling trees, Texas Stars, or other gimmick-like targets except when shot in approved matches (e.g., USPSA / Steel Challenge)
Steel shooters may be segregated to one side of the firing line or other, and with a minimum lateral distance of 6 feet between steel shooters
Target system requirements remain unchanged: AR500 steel, min 3/8" thickness, and reactive (20 degree angled, or free swinging, and non-fixed)
May 2022 Updates:
To aid safety and speed range operations, the BoD has mandated Empty Chamber Indicators for all firearms on WTBN / QSC ranges
ECIs are available at the clubhouse for $1, if needed
January 2022 Updates:
The Board of Directors has voted to keep 2022 Member Dues at the 2021 Rates of:
E1 – E4 - No Charge Membership
TBS Students - $35
E5 – E6 - $60
E7 – E9 - $120
WO1 – O3 - $130
O4 - O10 - $150
DOD GS 1+ - $50
DOD GS 5+ - $100
DOD GS 11+ $150
Civilian $150
4 June 2020 Updates:
MCBQ relaxed restrictions, the 50-person range limit has been lifted. We just need to maintain social distancing and if we cannot (multiple shooters on a position) we must wear masks.
The clubhouse is open on weekends the ranges are open
Guest restrictions lifted - You can bring up to 3 guests with you to shoot - Remember guests still must execute a Liability Waiver and each pay a $10 Range Fee
Tim Hichak and Clint Anderson have been certified as Proctors and QSC can now conduct the Proctored RSO Exam at the clubhouse. This will make it easier for members to become RSOs
The USPSA Match has been approved fo June 14th and the Board approved ordering new targets, hard cover targets and special steel target paint
The website update continues - member applications and forms have again been updated and are fillable PDFs, and many more Club, RSO and Match documents have been posted
27 May 2020: New Dues Structure Determined
The Board of Directors approved a new dues structure on May 27,2020, covering the annual period of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 and effective June 1, 2020.
In 2017 the QSC BoD instituted the Volunteer Deposit Program. It was intended as an incentive to members to increase voluntary contributions of time to support various administrative and match activities. It was not working as intended and instead the deposit was a liability to the club, difficult to track and with credits for volunteer hours, could rollover for years while remaining a financial liability. The deposit skewed the Club's financial health making it appear sound when the deposits could be 65% of the Club's total funds and unavailable for use
The Board eliminated the volunteer deposit for new or renewal memberships effective 1 June 2020. The BOD determined the liability was too onerous and voted to eliminate the mandate
Members with a deposit on record (those whose memberships expire in future, for example, a member expiring in September 2020 with a deposit on file) must still meet volunteer hour requirements. If a member doesn't meet the volunteer hours, the deposit will be forfeited just as in the past
Dues Prices have been set as:
E1 – E4 - No Charge Membership
TBS Students - $30
E5 – E6 - $50
E7 – E9 - $110
WO1 – O3 - $120
O4- O10 - $140
DOD GS 1 – GS 4 - $20
DOD GS 5 – GS 10 - $90
DOD GS 11 $120
DOD GS 15 $140
Civilian $140
Military members with a pending PCS will be prorated
We reward our RSOs through credits and no cost membership renewals when they open and operate 6 ranges (including at least one recreational fire on Range 1, Ironman Range or Shotgun), or a mixture of recreational, precision and structured fire ranges, matches or the bi-weekly WTBN recreational fire openings.
We will issue Volunteer Credits for members who perform matches or services – amounts will be by service but not exceed a member’s total dues
Memberships which expired between 1 January 2020 and 30 April 2020 were automatically extended through 31 May and are expiring now. Members who expired in May 2020 and in future retain the original expiration date and renew as required
19 May 2020:
Please review updated MCBQ policies for Guests, Match Attendees and DBIDS on our Membership page here
The QSC Vice President, Clint Anderson, had face-to-face meetings with PMO representatives to discuss access policies and QSC challenges, specifically guests and match attendees
Mark Drinkwater, the QSC President, re-enaged with Range Control reference the requirement for three OICs / RSOs when any wish to shoot for the day
Range Control reiterated their policy and while they understood QSC's concerns, they did not agree to alter the mandate - Sorry folks, we tried, twice
Also, Range Control stated their policy NEVER allowed for a 2-person RSO/OIC team when shooting - QSC did not interpret the guidance correctly
We continue to go through the entire website to update and refresh information to reflect current operations
We hope you appreciate the work and please, if you find an issue, drop us a note at and we'll fix it
If you have a picture or video you'd like us to include please contact as he's attempting the updates
As a reminder, the club has invested in new targets for Steel Challenge that will allow us to expand the course of fire and skill sets of our members
We also have the Labradar available for checkout so members can chronograph ammo velocities for DOPE sheets and load development
18 May 2020:
We have reached out to Range Control asking to extend RSO Credentials for those expiring in Jan - May 2020
We will update RSOs when Range Control issues a decision
Range 1 is CLOSED for maintenance - It appears Range Management is filling the defilade between the 150 - 300 yard line
There was no advance notice, QSC discovered the work while surveying R1 for social distancing
We have asked for an opening schedule and will update when details are learned
We hope our Range 305 RSOs will open frequently to relive the overflow from R1's closure
13 May 2020:
Range Status:
Range Control mandated you must have an OIC and two RSOs on a range if any of the three want to shoot
This is a return to a previous Range Control policy from 2019
You still only need an OIC and RSO if neither wants to shoot for the day
We are assessing Range 1 Ops as distancing and scheduling remain issues
The Clubhouse will be open for limited business on weekends starting May 16th
If you want to renew, please print off and pre-complete your forms
Drop them off before you go to a range and we will process and have your card ready later in the day
We will have forms ready you can complete outside the clubhouse (in your car) and drop off
If you feel you must come into the clubhouse, you must be masked
We are using a new mass mailing system - "Sender"
It should resolve issues with Comcast accounts and other non-delivery issues
If you are still not receiving Club emails, please send a note to and we will add you to the mailing list, or use the "Subscribe to Our Newsletter" option on the QSC homepage
There is an "unsubscribe" button on club emails should you not want to receive our updates and notices
The Club only uses your email address for club related email notices. We do not sell, give or provide member information to others or 3rd parties
May 11, 2020:
The 9 May "soft" range opening went very well
Special thanks to our RSOs and shooters who came out to validate the new processes
We intend to continue to open ranges for members only, however, we still need to resolve the Range 1 distancing issues
We still cannot allow guests to shoot until restrictions are further relaxed
Base access rules have not changed, you need to be able to access the MCB with a CAC, retired ID, etc., or have a DBIDS card - See the February Update below for DBIDS information
We will "reopen" the Clubhouse for limited business starting 16 May, but only on weekends
Social distancing applies - One member in the club at a time - Please also wear a mask
We will handle all renewals and questions as quickly as possible
Download the forms here and have them completed for faster service
We will sign up new members and,
We will process your application while you wait, or while you shoot
The new email for the QSC staff is:
We cleaned the outside and inside of the clubhouse and rearranged for social distancing
There's a member's area for paperwork just inside the doorway
The coffee area is just behind the member section and,
We've moved the admin section to the rear corner of the office
As of May 7 May, 2020:
The Quarterly Membership Meeting (April) was postponed and will be conducted when distancing rules are relaxed
The BoD has prepared a quarterly report you can find HERE.
QSC Operations have been adjusted to incorporate social distancing while limiting the size of groups
Ranges limited to 50 people with social distancing
Must maintain 6' of separation between all shooters
Must wear a mask if unable to maintain 6' of separation
Members only; no guests
Members will not handle the sign in sheet; RSOs will do that on their behalf.
Must have QSC member card. Cards that have expired in 2020 are being extended until further notice.
Due to heightened security concerns, Marine Corps Base Quantico has implemented the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) for base access.
DBIDS is mandatory, Associate Members will not be able to access the base or ranges without a DBIDS card
Please fill out the information at the link below
"Sponsor" information for enrollment:
Last Name = Shooting Club
First Name = Quantico
Phone = 703-463-8214
Comments = Club Member
When completed, print and bring to the:
Game Check Station
27175 Telegraph Rd
Stafford Courthouse, VA 22556
VCC hours are available here: