Range 1 is a 300 meter (320 yard) multipurpose recreational fire range with target placement between 7 and 320 yards. Both paper and steel targets are allowed (see notes on minimum distances for steel reactive targets below). Note that some areas to the left of the range, between 130 and 320 yards, are not usable due to a depression in the grade of the range. Range 1 has a 21-position shoot house with a concrete slab floor and overhead, side and back cover. A shooter, for example, can have a pistol target at 7 yards and their rifle target at 100 yards in their firing lane.
An example of Range 1 Operations - A recreational fire range will open at 8am for range set-up, target placement and safety briefs. First shot would be at 9am and the range would go Hot for 45 minutes, then go Cold for 15 minutes for new people to set-up, shooters to depart and targets to be checked. This routine would be followed until the last changeover, usually an hour before the range closes. The RSO posts exact courses of fire in their Range Notes contained in the Calendar event for the day the range opens.
Members and guest are encouraged to read the Range 1 SOP and rules about Transporting Firearms aboard MCBQ.
- You must bring your own targets and target stands, hydration, sunscreen, bug spray, ear and eye protection, etc.
- Always check the calendar for last minute range issues before coming to the QSC
- Muzzle loaders .75 caliber and below may be used
- Range authorized for 300 Win Mag and 50 BMG
- .338 Lapua is NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE on Range 1
- Distances for steel targets - see below
- No shooters on Range 2 or the WTBN Rifle Test Facility can be forward of any R1 target
MCBQ updated the minimum distances for engaging steel reactive targets on Range 1. The new guidance is:
- Pistol - 10 yards (No pistol magnum calibers, FN 5.7 or +P ammo on steel reactive targets at this distance)
- Pistol (Braced) / PCC / Rimfire Rifle - 25 yards
- Shotgun (Buck / Bird Shot) - 11 yards
- Shotgun (Slug) - 55 yards
- 5.56mm / .223 Ball - 110 yards
- 7.62mm / .308 Ball - 165 yards
- No calibers above 7.62 /.308 allowed of steel targets on Range 1
- 300 Win Mag - 410 yards - NOT ALLOWED ON STEEL ON RANGE 1 (Paper Targets Only)
- .50 Caliber - 410 yards - NOT ALLOWED ON STEEL ON RANGE 1 (Paper Targets Only)
- 6.5 Creedmoor - 410 yards - NOT ALLOWED ON STEEL ON RANGE 1 (Paper Targets Only)
- No dueling trees, Texas Stars, or other gimmick-like targets except when shot in approved matches (e.g., USPSA / Steel Challenge)
- Steel shooters may be segregated to one side of the firing line or other, and with a minimum lateral distance of 6 feet between steel shooters
- Target system requirements remain unchanged: AR500 steel, minimum 3/8" thickness, and reactive (20 degree angled, or free swinging, and non-fixed)
Short videos on items that may help your range day.
A Sturmgewehr 44 copy on Range 1 and a black powder shooter.
A typical range day on QSC's Range 1.