The QSC holds Vintage Sniper Matches twice yearly, usually in the spring and fall. Our Match Portal page has details on base access for non-QSC members attending an event.
Come on out and give any of our matches a test drive, we think you'll find our ranges clean, the match safe and our community fun!
Vintage Sniper
The Vintage Sniper Team Match is designed to reproduce the conditions where two rifleman operate as a team, akin to how long range military snipers operate. During the match, each team member functions alternately as a shooter or a spotter. After one team member finishes firing, they switch roles and the other team member shoots the course of fire. Firing is done at distances of 300 and 600 yards from the prone position. Shooters may use either a sling or sand bag support, but not both. Wind doping is critical and firing must be done quickly; targets are exposed for each shot for only 20 seconds and then withdrawn for 20 seconds. Information from the CMP on Vintage Sniper is here.
- Sighting - 300y - Unlimited in 5 minutes
- Stage 1 - 300y - 10 shots prone during a 20-second target exposure (sniper)
- Stage 2 - 300y - 10 shots prone during a 20-second target exposure (spotter)
- Sighting 600y - Unlimited in 5 minutes
- Stage 3 - 600y - 10 shots prone during a 20-second target exposure (sniper)
- Stage 4 - 600y - 10 shots prone during a 20-second target exposure (spotter)
GSM Matches
The Garand / Springfield / Military (Vintage) Competition format was created by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) to provide a simple, easy to learn, introductory “High Power” style format for newer shooters to get into the sport.
The CMP Games Rulebook defines two different courses of fire that can be used for GSM matches.
Course A has three stages:
- Slow fire prone, 5 sighters followed by 10 shots for record
- Rapid fire prone, 10 shots for record
- Slow fire standing, 10 shots for record
Course B has four stages:
- Slow fire prone, 5 sighters followed by 20 shots for record
- Rapid fire prone, 10 shots for record
- Rapid fire sitting, 10 shots for record
- Slow fire standing, 10 shots for record
All stages are fired at 200 yards.
Any “as-issued” M1 Garand, M1903 or M1903A3 Springfield, or other foreign military bolt-action service rifle can be used in the GSM matches.
“As-issued” means the rifle cannot be modified in any way such that the rifle does not have the same characteristics as it was issued by the military that used it. For example, you cannot put a heavy contour barrel on an M1 Garand for a CMP Garand match. The barrel must have the same contour as the original service rifle barrel. Aftermarket barrels are legal, as long as they have the same contour and length.