Updated Minimum Distances for Steel Targets

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Updated Minimum Distances for Steel Targets

Range Safety Update: Due to changes in SAFETY OF USE MEMORANDUM 15-23; POLICY FOR STEEL REACTIVE TARGETS and the new WTBN Ironman Range SOP dated 12-14-23, the QSC has revised our safety guidance on minimum engagement distances for steel targets. QSC guidance goes above and beyond the SOUM guidance.

Effective immediately

Minimum engagement distances for portable Steel Reactive Targets (SRTs)

  • Pistol - 10 yards (No pistol magnum calibers, FN 5.7 or +P ammo on steel)
  • Pistol (Braced) / PCC / Rimfire Rifle - 25 yards
  • Shotgun (Buck / Bird Shot) - 11 yards
  • Shotgun (Slug) - 55 yards
  • 5.56mm / .223 Ball - 110 yards
  • 7.62mm / .308 Ball - 165 yards
  • .300 Win Mag - 410 yards
  • No dueling trees, Texas Stars, or other gimmick-like targets
  • Steel shooters may be segregated to one side of the firing line or other, and with a minimum lateral distance of 6 feet between steel shooters

Exception: SAT Range Matches (only) allow Pistol and Pistol (Braced) / PCC calibers (9mm, .40 and .45 ACP) and Rimfire Rifle / Pistol (.22LR) at a minimum of 7 yards. Previous Range Control determinations and safety reviews support the logic.