The weather is slated to be:
63 degrees in the AM
77 degrees in the PM
0% chance of rain
8-12 mph winds
The RSO's will aim to have the range open at 0830 for setup and hot from 0900-1400.
All shooters will police all brass. Targets will be taken down, and all trash will be taken out. There are no trash cans on site, if it comes with you it departs with you. We only have access to the left half of the range, so please make sure targets and shooting positions are within lanes 1 through 7.
Range 305 is an outdoor, flat, mostly barren piece of dirt. There are portajohns on site supplied with USGI toilet paper. Bring a roll if you value your comfort. There are no guns for sale / rent at the QSC and there is no ammo available for purchase. Dress / pack accordingly.
Shooters must bring your own targets. Self brought targets will be made of paper, wood, plastic, or steel. Any steel engaged must be at least ⅜” thick AR500 rated or thicker / higher rating. The minimum engagement distance for steel is:
Pistol 7m Shotgun (Buck / Bird) 10m / Slug 50m
556 100m
7.62 100m
300 winmag 300m
50 BMG No steel on this range
RSOs: Morgan/Houser
Questions? Contact