Range 4 Shooting Notes: What & Why

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Range 4 Shooting Notes: What & Why

Range 4 is 100 to 1000 yds.  We can shoot steel, paper, clay bird targets.  We can shoot rifles up to 50 caliber.  We cannot shoot armor piercing or tracer ammunition. 

Most shooters are using scoped rifles and while that is the norm, you can use iron sights as long as you can see the target.  What is recommended here is to use a KD frame and the correct size target.  IE: you are shooting 300 yds, you need the 300 yd target.  If you need help figuring out what target to get , ask the RSO's.  Yes, we do shoot iron sights out to 1000 yds and we can accommodate both iron sight shooters and scope rifle shooters simultaneously on the firing lines.  We do take time to go down and look at hits on paper targets.   There is a phone number and point of contact in this post, use it so we can help have the right target on hand to shoot iron sights at long distances.  

How do I know what the shooting plan is for a given weekend day?  Go to club website, hit "calendar", then look at the shooting day.  You will see Rg 4 and range hours.  Click on Rec Fire Rg 4 (its in blue) and a Shooting Notes page will appear.  It will tell you the shooting plan of that day.   Here is a sample of what that looks like:

0800: Report to Gate 7, Pits close 0830
We shoot 100, 300, 600 (and 800 if time permits).
If Rg 3 hot: expect delays 
Targets & Stands: bring yours
New shooters, bring rifle, ammo, and we'll
get you squared away for 100, 300 and 600 yds.
We will only zero at 100 yds, not rec fire at 100 yds.
Other Range lines / 300,600, we stay long enough
for shooters to zero and get a good amount of practice in.
Questions: Call Skip 703 987 7520

Where is Gate 7?  Go to this link:http://www.quanticoshootingclub.com/ranges-range-map

Drive past club house, take first right onto Willis Road and go straight ahead.  Road makes a "Y", bear to left and you hit Gate 7.  Its marked "Gate" on the map at the link above.   While you are at it, pull up this link and get a aerial photo of Range 4 for familiarization .  You can see the Y in the road and pistol ranges to the right and gate 7 entrance on left of the Y.   


Targets: you bring your own targets & stands. If you need a KD target stand, you load it and bring to range and then return it at end of day.  The KD frames are on the trailer next to the Red  steel container (MilVan), alongside the club house.  Targets of any type are shooters responsibility to bring/ set up/tear down.  

If Range 3 or Pistol Comp range are in use, Rg 4 has delays in going to pits / or setting up steel or targets on the berm/bank.   We try to de-conflict with those ranges when possible.  If military are on those ranges, we do not delay or interrupt military training.  We do have success in working things out so their training is not impacted.  Sometimes that makes delays but understand we are guests on Quantico and military training takes priority. 

RSO volunteers drive  Range 4 openings.  When we have enough RSO's we  open Range 4 on Saturdays for 100, 300 and 600 yd shooting.  Then on Sundays we shoot 800 and 1000 yds, every other Sunday is a 1000 yd day.  If the club has Range 4 available and Range 4 is not opening on any day, its because we lack enough RSO's to open the range.  We need more shooters to help open ranges so we all can have as many ranges operational every weekend.   Help us out here .   

New shooters will be assisted and can get their rifle dope 100,300,600 yds on a single day and we are successful doing that if you are motivated to accomplish this.  We can do the same on Sunday, get you squared away at 800 & 1000 yds.  Once you have the "dope" for your scope for each range increment, you are all set for long range shooting.  We will take the time to make sure you are sorted out before we move to next range increment.  Thus, if you have issues, we stop and team effort happens to get novice issues  solved .  

Here is how we run Range 4 to get the most shooting time daily on it.  We open Gate 7 at 0800 and shooters have 30 min to set up targets. Gate 7 closes at 0830.  Range safety briefing & range sign in roster registration is 0830 to 0840.  At 0845, we are calling in for a Hot Fire authorization from Range Control and should be shooting by 0845.   The key to shooting at Range 4 is to come on time at 0800 and come prepared with targets ready to install quickly and get on firing line and organized.    If you come anytime other than 0800, you will only set up targets when we take a firing break and go into pits to patch targets, paint steel targets.  Drop in any time during the day and you can expect to wait till we go into pits.  

Its in your favor to come early for many reasons:  winds build as the day goes on, mirage builds as the day goes on, weather will change as day goes on, we may get delays due to Range 3 or Comp Pistol being Hot, and lastly, if Range Control calls to shut down all operations at Quantico, the earlier we start, the longer our day on range is before we lose the range.  We only can shoot when military is training on base and when the last unit calls in to Range Control that they are mission complete, then our shooting club gets usually a short notice to cease shooting and we close down.  Start early...we shoot as much as time will allow in a day.  We do not have such shut downs frequently but we do have them and live with it.  Range Control does attempt to give us some slack if possible with a hour notice before we have to close down. 

Mosts shooters (70%) shoot steel targets.  That is immaterial to any other shooter who is shooting clay birds, paper targets or using a KD target .  The downside is if we have steel being shot on the range, we cannot have members in the pits marking & pulling KD targets.  We can arrange for a KD day / No steel day by request but history has shown, doing that, no one shows up because no one wants to be in pits pulling targets.   If 8 shooters agree to shoot KD & pull targets, we will schedule half a day for them to do so, then revert back to shooting steel for remainder of day.   Short of 8 shooters organizing and requesting a KD day,  we will continue to shoot steel, clay birds, paper targets  and KD's (without pit pullers) on Range 4. 

Equipment: you need rifle, ammo and a shooting mat to lay one (anything will do).  Bring your targets and normal hearing & eye protection.   The best solution to finding out what equipment to get and what really works well , is to come to Range 4 and ask the shooters there.   

We push to make as much use of available time and expect cooperation so you do get maximum shooting accomplished .  However, we will stop and take the time to help novice shooters along and bring them along.  We have all started out as the new guy / lady on the range and know the feeling.  We can get you to 300/600/800 or 1000 yds, you just got to show up to shoot.  

Questions: Call Skip , 703 987 7520.