Range 1 - General Purpose Pistol, Rifle, and Tactical Shotgun Recreational Fire (7yds to 320yds)
Range Opening and Initial Target Set-Up:
Hours -- 0845 to 1400
Range will be open and ready for Sign In and Target set up Not Earlier Than 0845, or as soon as the RSOs are available and provide guidance. If RSOs are not present, do not bring your gear onto the range.
We will give an initial safety briefing as soon as target setup is complete, ideally at 0900, and go hot thereafter. Note: Shooters arriving AFTER 1300 may not be able to set up targets on Range 1.
General Guidelines:
Private vehicles are NOT allowed downrange on Range 1!
All guests must check in at the QSC Clubhouse with their club member sponsor to pay the guest fee and sign waivers prior to shooting. Guests will present the guest pass to the range safety officer on the range at check-in.
Bring your CASED firearms and gear to the firing line only AFTER you have checked in with an RSO, shown your QSC membership card, your guests have shown their guest passes, and all shooters have completed and signed the club sign-in sheet.
Do NOT Uncase any firearms until AFTER the safety briefing is complete AND RSOs have communicated that the Range is Hot.
Shooters showing up throughout the day will first sign in and then receive a safety brief from an RSO prior to carrying gear to the firing line.
The range will go hot / cold as needed at roughly 45/15 minute intervals (45 hot / 15 cold).
Shooters must bring their own targets, target stands, tools, fasteners, personal protective equipment, and other materials. The QSC only provides a safe range to shoot on.
Targets are limited to paper, wood, plastic, and approved ballistic steel. Ballistic steel targets must be a minimum of 3/8" thick and constructed of AR-500 steel. Soft steel is not allowed.
Steel Targets:
Minimum engagement distances for portable ballistic steel
Pistol: 8 yards
Shotgun (birdshot): 11 yards
Shotgun (slugs): 55 yards
Rifle caliber up to 7.62: 110 yards
Rifle caliber .300WM 320 yards
Non-metal pistol targets must be placed and shot in a manner so that all rounds impact the downrange impact berm. Example:
No shooting directly into the dirt in front of you and attempting to burrow one round at a time.
Firing Line:
The firing line MAY be established forward of the Shoot House 2 paved area to maximize distance between shooters and range capacity. When aligned forward of the overhead cover and on the dirt, there will be orange cones on the left and right limit of the firing line indicating the farthest positions that shooters can occupy on the firing line. Shooters should plan accordingly for grass and dirt. Use of a tarp is suggested. Remember, you must collect all your ammunition casings.
Shooters should identify their intended target distance to the RSO upon checking in. An attempt will be made to put shooters engaging distant targets on the "right" (as viewed from the firing line to the pits) and shooters engaging closer targets on the "left".
Drawing from holsters will be permitted at the RSO Team discretion. Firing line congestion and other risk factors will be considered in making the decision.
Trash and Residue:
ALL target material, shell casings, and trash must be removed from the range after firing. There should be no trace of activity left on the range other than lead in the berms. If you pack it in, pack it out. If you move tables forward of their position in the covered area, you are responsible for putting them back.
Environmental: Bring tick repellant, sunscreen, and water. It's hot, the sun is bright, and the ticks are everywhere.
Your RSOs are here for the safety of all club members on the range, so please follow all their commands and enjoy your time on Range 1, safely.
RSOs: Mack / Clarke / Pannell