Members: Sound Off ! Don't sit and stew

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Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 07/24/2017 - 16:35
Members: Sound Off ! Don't sit and stew

All,  if there is a suggestion, recommendation, issue , complaint,...please don't sit on it and not say anything.  The Board of Directors can't read minds so sound off and let them know whats up.  Then and only then can they respond to the membership with solutions.

I average 50 to 55 ranges openings a year, so I am not hard to find on any weekend if you want to air something.

What does everyone a dis service is to sit on something till there is a club meeting and then toss the problem out into the open.   Nothing the Board can do to solve it that moment and sadly most things that pop up this way at club meetings could be solved quickly if identified to the board.  

Team effort gang, speak up please. 

...............and here is my phone # 703  987 7520.  Don't hold back. 






asubramanian's picture
Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 07/25/2017 - 12:13
And please be willing to DO

And please be willing to DO SOMETHING about your complaint. This club is run almost exclusively on the power of volunteers. Quite frankly, everyone has complaints, but only a few people have solutions. So which do you think is going to be of actual value to the club?

This BOD has been amazing in its willingness to provide resources to anyone willing to do something. If all you want to do is complain, go get a therapist. What is actually useful is someone willing contribute solutions and time.

Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 04/08/2018 - 11:40
Not a complaint but a

Not a complaint but a compliment - I think the additional detail now being included in posted events alleviates a great deal of potential frustration.  Getting a heads up that R-3 may be hot during a planned event on R-4 and that we might not be able to set up steel let's us plan on possibly using R-305 or maybe waiting for another day to enjoy the range. 

And thank you Skip for all the work you do.

Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 07/24/2017 - 16:35
Skip has a complaint

If you take a look at how the RSO's run Rg 4, you see them pushing you to make target set up fast and be gone out of pits fast.  You hear us say come prepared to set up immediately, not waste time.  There are 2 reasons we push you:

1. Sooner you get out of pits and  back on firing line , the more shooting we all can get that day

2. We sometimes get called by Range Control and they shut us down or give us a time to be off the range.  We shoot as long as military units are training but when the last unit signs out, Range Control can radio for us to close down, give us an hour or maybe 3 hours..but the fact is our day will be shorter than we expected.  That is life on a military base..change is a constant but if we start early in the day, don't waste time, even on a short day...we get in the max hours of shooting. 

Range 4 gets impacted by Rg 3 when hot and Competition Pistol when hot.  That can slow us down in visits to pits because we have to ask military when they will have a break / pause ..then rush to pits and be out fast.  We can't stop military training and we won't do that ...we're guests on Quantico Rg 4.

Get here when gates open for the day  so you  can shoot before the winds build and mirage builds.

So here is Skips Complaint:  Move Faster, Be better prepared, and don't suffer in silence if you need help.  Don't hesitate to call me 703 987 7520 if you got questions on a days shooting plan and if you are a new shooter to Rg 4...get here at Gate 7 at appointed time, the RSO's will get you wired with target board,  a few skeet birds so your first visit goes smooth. After that Big Boy Rules apply: bring your own targets , haul your own KD frame.

If you are not moving on Rg 4 faster than Skip, then move faster.  





Quinonez's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 14:14
Target stands

I have a question concerning the approved target stands for range 1.  So far, I heard two RSOs and OICs say there are NO  restriction on metal target stands and even metal targets and the decision to allow stands or targets is up to each RSO. We allow metal stands at the pistol and 305 ranges.    As you can imagine,  this causes confusion and we are forced to have both PVC and metal stands.  Why can’t we standardize the rule and allow metal stands of let’s say not higher than 6 inches of the ground or the stands available at most shooting stores?   Ricochets off metal stands with no metal higher than 12 inches off the ground shouldn't be a problem unless a shooter is intentionally trying to hit the stand.  I’ve had to help fellow members every time we use range 1 with an extra PVC stand I always take with me.  They had the metal stands with the wood pieces where the targets are attached.   When I become a RSO which will be very soon, I won’t have a problem allowing metal stands if in fact there are no base regulations prohibiting them.  

Last seen: 4 weeks 1 day ago
Joined: 07/24/2017 - 16:35
Will get you a club answer

This issue was raised again today, 23 Ap 19 to Board of Directors.  A comprehensive answer will be forth coming.  Not only is the issue of steel frames involved, the height of steel targets has to be articulated.   Height of target if one is shooting in prone, from bench or standing.   Same goes for paper targets regardless of wood or plastic frames.    

Risk Analysis is a specified task for every RSO.  If a weapon is being fired on steel and could present a unsafe condition, the RSO will take necessary precautions.  IE: the minimum distance to shoot steel from a hand gun might not be safe if the shooter is on firing line with a 44 Magnum hand gun.    RSO's may increase distances of steel target placement in the interests of safety.   

Just a note: I reread what you said about a steel target height just off the ground.  You realize a miss will ricochet off the ground and potentially cause a unsafe condition over on Rg 2 or FBI ranges which border Rg1.  Granted BOD needs to put out guidance on steel and steel frames...I got that .  But...all shooters need to be aware of where their rounds may go and think of consequences.  Fired rounds not hitting steel should go into the impact area down range of Rg 1.  


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