DBIDS Updates

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Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 14:41
DBIDS Updates

The Visitor's Control Center handles DBIDS applications and asked we remind members:

  • You must have a "Real ID" and one other form of accepted ID, such as a U.S. Passport (as well as a current club member card) to be issued a DBIDS credential.
    • If you do not have a Real ID, the requirement is for a driver's license or Passport and two additional IDs such as a Social Security card and Birth Certificate
    • Contact the VCC if you have questions
  • You must apply and receive your DBIDS within 2-weeks of becoming a member or when renewing membership
    • If you don't, you risk having to obtain a paper pass every time you enter the base
    • Base entry rules require a full 12 month "need" to receive a DBIDS credential
  • The DoD sets base entry polices, not the QSC
    • QSC doesn't attempt to keep current with entry policies but we do our best to remind members polciies are strict and do change over time