I haven't yet ventured out to the range after joining at the Chantilly Show a few weeks ago, but will do so asap.
Before I head out, what rules are there for BYO steel? I've got a hanging gong AR500 target system from Sub.Moa (see below)
Is this permitted, if not - what should I be on the look out for.
Thanks in advance!
For steel, every range, save Range 1 and Shotgun, allow steel targets (pistol calibers at 7+ yards, rifle calibers at 100+ yards). Depending on the grass conditions and distance, you may want to make sure that your gongs will hang rather high. Range 305 is my favorite, but from the prone, I can't even see my half size silhouette through grass unless the whole range is mowed. Range 2/3/4 don't have as much of an issue, as their shooting positions are elevated.
Basically, no steel on Range 1 and only clays (or equivalent) on shotgun, but steel is good to go on all other ranges.
Hey Jeff, Ahouser hit it on the head, I just wanted to say welcome to the party. If you're free Saturday we're holding our membership meeting from 08-09 and then some ranges will be open afterwards. You should have received an email about it this morning with directions to the classroom. It'd be a good way for a new member to get the pulse of the club.
Again, welcome & glad to have you. - Spencer