Be careful what you wish for: It costs Money

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Joined: 07/24/2017 - 16:35
Be careful what you wish for: It costs Money

These Forums.  The hue and cry we had to have a new web site, and the pain to do that, afford that because the membership had to have forums .    Then it happened and we have half a decade of Indifference ... no one uses the forums , at best it allows Board of Directors to put out news and important announcements which are great but no one bothers to pull up the web site and see what's new.  The calendar...this is maybe the only thing folks use and any RSO will tell you members show up to shoot and didn't check calendar for time and what is happening that day on range.  What...I can't shoot 50 yds on Range 4, the 1000 yd range today when the calendar flatly stated its a 1000 yard shooting day "only".

This website and forum costs a lot of money for a club that struggles to keep afloat.  No more Great New Ideas for Forums and Website Acrobatics.  Stow it, take it somewhere else.  This is Good Enuff.  Live with it.  Vote and spend Club funds on what makes a difference and is necessary. 

No we  don't need a CLUB "AP" and take the Blue Tooth nonsense and any other Geek waste of time  to Mogadishu.  

Besides all the above, I got no other opinion on the matter. / Skip

Jmonaccio's picture
Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 14:41
The club pays a fixed fee of

The club pays a fixed fee of $950 each quarter for web hosting and the back end CiviCRM database. While the website it's dated, it's functional and to date, not one of the 1200+ members has volunteered to propose and direct changes. The cost to have the website professionally redone (with all the features and storage we currently have) is north of $15,000. The Board has discussed the web site for several years and always deferred to other priorities.

The forums are included in the cost of our hosting. I suspect not many members frequent them as they quickly forget their logins. 

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