SAT Range - SCSA Match

Quantico Shooting Club - QPS | USPSA, Steel Challenge, 3 Gun, PRS, PRS 22 | PractiScore

Match starts: November 21, 2021 @ 8:00 AM · Match ends: November 21, 2021 @ 4:00 PM

Club level I Steel Challenge Match with 8 Classifier Stages on Marine Corps Base Quantico's (MCBQ) Small Arms Training (SAT) range.

Do not register for more than two divisions per day. You may register for up to two divisions in the same squad.

There will be a single session for this match each day with 15 shooters per squad, with 4 squads. The approximate time will be about 5 hours on the day.

Sign-in/registration verification for the A.M. session begins at 08:00 and closes at 08:45. Shooter safety and match briefing will begin at 08:45. The match begins at 09:00.

Match Fee Per Registration: $20

As a reminder, USPSA/Steel Challenge events operate on a strict, "cold range" principle. Weapons handling outside of the designated safe areas is not permitted. Please transport your cased, bagged, and/or carted weapon to one of our designated safe areas to "kit up." Long rifles/carbines must be bagged or placed on a cart with a chamber flag inserted. We will have a limited amount of chamber flags available for sale for $1 each at the registration table if needed.

If you are confused about any of the info provided above, just leave your weapon in your vehicle, come to the registration table, and we will provide assistance. Finally, there is no handling of ammunition within the safe areas and weapons must remain unloaded unless under the direct supervision of an RO while shooting the stage. Additionally, if you are unsure of your division, seek out one of our RSOs and we will place you in the correct division based on your firearm and equipment.

The minimum round count for the match is 200 rounds. However, be prepared to expend upwards of 250-300.

As a reminder, concealed carry is not authorized aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico unless you have appropriate law enforcement credentials. However, remember that USPSA/Steel Challenge events operate on a strict, "cold range" principle.

Location of range:

** New Visitor/Guest Info:

The Visitor Control Center (VCC) is open on Saturday mornings from 0730-1130. Visit MCBQ's Base Access page for VCC info (

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Thanks for registering for the Steel Challenge match! I look forward to seeing all of you on the range.

Event Date(s): 

Sun, 11/21/2021 - 08:00 to 17:00

Event Type: