Why We Only Post Ranges Weekly - Calendar is Vital!

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Last seen: 13 hours 7 min ago
Joined: 07/26/2017 - 14:41
Why We Only Post Ranges Weekly - Calendar is Vital!

One of the most frequent questions deals wih range availability and why ranges are posted to the calendar so late in the week, here's the flow:

  • The Marines notify QSC what Calvin A. Lloyd Complex ranges we may use on a Monday for the upcoming weekend
  • QSC puts out a call to our Range Safety Officers (volunteers) asking they select and run ranges (it takes 2-3 RSOs to open a single range)
  • By Wednesday night we know what ranges can be opened based off the RSO volunteers
  • On Thursday morning we put out a last call and by noon, we lock in weekend ranges with Range Control, or we turn in ranges that will not be opened
  • Once locked in, we publish the range openings on the calendar for the members

Our goal is to have one "recreational" fire range open each weekend day (Range 1 or Range 305) for rifle, pistol and shotgun to meet member expectations, and other ranges as RSOs become available. Range 4 is one of the most often opened ranges as the long-range precision folks are a dedicated lot.

There are two wild cards:

1. We publish matches in advance as we have to request and receive approvals from the base commander at least one quarter in advance of the event. This allows QSC to put those matches on the calendar when approved.

2. The base can cancel any scheduled range opening if Marines are not training anywhere on the 32-range complex over the weekend. This is why you may see a late-breaking notice that a day or weekend's shooting has been canceled (range control operates only when Marines are training).