Ironman Recreational Fire

Ironman Range - Recreational Fire

General Purpose Pistol, Rifle, and Tactical Shotgun Recreational Fire - 7 yds to 460 / 700+ yds 


If RSOs are not present, do not enter Ironman Range

Range Hours:  0815 – 1145

Range Open:  0815

Target Setup and Sign In starts at approx. 0815

Last Target Setup: 1045

Shooters arriving AFTER 1045 will NOT be able to set up targets on Ironman Range.

Last Hot: 1100

Depart Range: No later than 1200. All shooters and staff MUST be OFF THE RANGE by 1200

Safety Briefing at Registration behind the Firing Line at 0845, or as soon as the RSO Team is ready.

The range will go hot ASAP following the safety briefing and onsite EMT is confirmed.

We will try to maintain a cycle of 45/15 minute hot/cold times.

Please present your current QSC membership card upon sign in.  All guests must check in at the QSC Clubhouse and pay guest fee, sign waivers and present guest pass to a range RSO prior to shooting.

At the start of the range day, you MAY bring CASED firearms to the firing line during target set up time. 

Do NOT uncase any firearms until AFTER the safety briefing is complete AND RSOs have communicated that the Firing Line is Hot.

Throughout the remainder of the range day, firearms will be brought and removed from the firing line CASED, and only uncased and re-cased AT the firing line when the firing line is HOT. 

There will be NO handling of uncased firearms whatsoever while the firing line is COLD.

Shooters showing up throughout the day will first sign in and then receive a safety brief from an RSO prior to carrying gear to the firing line. 


Shooters must bring their own targets, target stands, tools, fasteners, personal protective equipment, and other materials.

Targets are limited to paper, wood, plastic, and approved ballistic steel.

Steel Targets

Ballistic steel targets must be a minimum of 3/8" thick and constructed of AR-500 steel.

Minimum engagement distances for portable ballistic steel targets:

  • Pistol - 10 yards (No pistol magnum calibers, FN 5.7 or +P ammo on steel)
  • Pistol (Braced) / PCC / Rimfire Rifle - 25 yards
  • Shotgun (Buck / Bird Shot) - 11 yards
  • Shotgun (Slug) - 55 yards
  • 5.56mm / .223 Ball - 110 yards
  • 7.62mm / .308 Ball - 110 yards
  • .300 Win Mag - 320 yards

Steel shooters may be segregated to one side of the firing line or other, and with a minimum lateral distance of 6 feet between steel shooters.

PLEASE NOTE - No dueling trees, Texas Stars, or other gimmick-like targets.

Paper Targets 

Non-metal pistol targets placed closer than 25 yards must be as tall as the shooter.  Targets must not exceed the height of the impact area when viewed from your intended shooting position on the firing line.

Shooters must bring their own targets, target stands, tools, fasteners, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other materials. The QSC only provides a safe range to shoot on.


On Ironman Range, drawing from holsters will be permitted at the RSO Team discretion.  Firing line congestion and other risk factors will be considered in making the decision.  RSO decision is not negotiable!

Shooters are responsible for ensuring their target stands are not in the line of sight of other targets and they are not shooting someone else’s target.  That includes USMC PITS.  Know what

Event Date(s): 

Sat, 03/18/2023 - 08:00 to 12:00