Meeting Events

QSC OIC / RSO Certification Training Class

This is the required QSC OIC/RSO Training.  This training is based on NRA's RSO training and is a USMC requirement to become a new OIC / RSO for the QSC.  Training includes specific WTBN / QSC Ranges SOP, Range-specifics, QSC SOP, Range shooter profiles, extracts from the NRA Range Safety Officer training (with review of many firearms types manual of arms, loading, unloading, handling malfunctions, misfires).  Also includes opportunity to put hands on a variety of firearm types (Revolvers (single action), Semi auto pistols (both striker, hammer-fired), AR platform, Lever action rifle

QSC OIC / RSO Certification Class

This is the required QSC OIC/RSO Training.  This training is based on NRA's RSO training and is a USMC requirement to become a new OIC / RSO for the QSC.  Training includes specific WTBN / QSC Ranges SOP, Range-specifics, QSC SOP, Range shooter profiles, extracts from the NRA Range Safety Officer training (with review of many firearms types manual of arms, loading, unloading, handling malfunctions, misfires).  Also includes opportunity to put hands on a variety of firearm types (Revolvers (single action), Semi auto pistols (both striker, hammer-fired), AR platform, Lever action rifle
